Arts and Culture Matter as We Vote in 2023

The Non-Profit Vote has identified platform priorities for the 2023 Alberta election which we encourage people to consider before casting their vote. Both the CCVO (Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations) and ECVO (Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations) are members of The Non-Profit Vote and publish provincial election information on their websites: CCVO ( and ECVO ( that we should be aware of.

Before we vote in 2023 ask our candidates if they understand the importance of the arts and culture sector and how it can become an economic engine for growth.

Culture-based businesses and organizations:
• provide direct economic benefits
• create job growth in the cultural sector, expanding the sector as a whole
• promote and enhance cultural development • help foster creative cities and communities
• improve the ability of urban centres to attract skilled workers
• help a community distinguish itself based on strong identities, cultures, arts and crafts
• help a community gain a competitive advantage as a “destination city” for cultural tourism
• spawn “spin-off” businesses, fortifying and diversifying the original initiatives’ strengths
• can lead to subsequent economic regeneration through urban revitalization.

Culture as an Economic Engine, published by Creative City Network of Canada